Seasonal Fruits, Berries and Leaves > Rubus idaeus raspberry fruit
Colourful seasonal fruits, berries and leaves from Perthshire, Scotland. From the wild and untamed in the hedgerows to the cultivated ones in gardens.
Rubus idaeus raspberry fruit 
 Red raspberry fruits 
 Keywords: gardening, berries, red, raspberry, Rubus idaeus, fruit, harvest, produce, autumn, allotment, soft fruit, leaves, green, ripe, growing, garden plants, horticulture, crop
© Rosie Nixon | Leavesnbloom Fine Art & Photography
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Photographer: Rosemary Nixon
Collection: Seasonal Fruits, Berries and Leaves
Rubus idaeus raspberry fruit
Upload Date: 2012-10-10 10:21:34
Photo Size: 7.4mb 5184x3456 pixels
  comp 840x560


Red raspberry fruits

Keywords: gardening, berries, red, raspberry, Rubus idaeus, fruit, harvest, produce, autumn, allotment, soft fruit, leaves, green, ripe, growing, garden plants, horticulture, crop


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